Male Chest Reduction
Many men and boys suffer from an excess of breast tissue, a condition which is referred to as “gynecomastia,” known colloquially as “man boobs.” It is normal for boys to develop an accumulation of breast tissue during puberty, and the majority of males will grow out of this in a few years. However, men may find that their enlarged breasts persist beyond puberty, well into their adult years. Gynecomastia can be caused by a number of factors, including hormonal changes, weight gain, heredity, and sometimes the use of certain medications, and the condition can prove embarrassing for some.
What it Is
Male chest reduction surgery eliminates excess male breast tissue to help men achieve a normal looking chest and a more masculine body shape overall. It can also be performed in conjunction with other body shaping surgeries such as body micro fat grafting and/or liposuction, to improve the chest contour and create a more svelte, defined physique.
In cases where gynecomastia is mainly caused by excess fat, liposuction may be all that is needed to successfully reduce the chest size. Dr. Born will make a tiny incision using a special liposuction cannula, and then suction out the appropriate amount of fat. Some cases of gynecomastia require excision (cutting) of enlarged or overdeveloped glandular tissue. In these cases, a small incision is made along the underside of the areolae (nipples), and the glands are surgically removed. Gynecomastia cases may also require reduction and/or reshaping of areolae that are overly large or long, or that have been stretched over time as the result of weight gain.
It is common for gynecomastia patients to require both liposuction and excision of the glands. Dr. Born will carefully outline the different techniques during your consultation and help you understand which technique is the most suitable in your case.
Is it For Me?
Men who are past the age of puberty and who struggle with enlarged breasts may be candidates for male chest reduction surgery. It is a very safe procedure with a high rate of success and patient satisfaction. You may want to consider gynecomastia surgery if you have a significant amount of excess fat in the breasts/ chest area; your breasts “droop” or hang as a result of excess breast tissue; your areolae are overly large and/or stretched, or your nipples are overly long and/or pointy; you notice asymmetry of your breasts (i.e. one breast larger than the other); you have excess breast skin that sags; or you feel self-conscious or embarrassed about your chest.
Gynecomastia surgery requires a careful and studied surgical approach. When performed incorrectly, male chest reduction can result in unsightly depressions, lumps and bumps that are very difficult to reverse. It is crucial to choose a surgeon whose aesthetic approach and meticulous method will yield a natural, inconspicuous surgical result that will leave you feeling confident and proud. Dr. Born is an expert in his field, and his singular technique is well-suited to the discerning male patient who wants to look good, but not “done.”
What to Expect
Male chest reduction surgery is, in most cases, performed under general anesthetic. It is important to remember that gynecomastia surgery is not for everyone. Certain pre-existing medical conditions may preclude you from being a candidate, so it is important to disclose any relevant medical history and any medication(s) taken that may have caused the gynecomastia to occur. The procedure itself is very safe, but common side effects include: bruising, swelling, numbness, inflammation or infection around the incisions, as well as post-operative bleeding or oozing of fluids. Dr Born will discuss in detail all of the potential risks related to your male chest reduction surgery during your private consultation. You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your plastic surgeon, both before and after your surgery.